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Welcome to 2.0 Design!

Posted by dcoomes on

Formerly Hey banner banner

Hey Banner Banner is now a part of 2.0 Design! As 2.0 Design, we still offer the best in freelance graphic design for print and web in Owensboro, KY and worldwide, including:
2.0 Design and Hey Banner Banner (old site) are owned by me, Darrell Coomes. Unlike most, being a designer is my day job. So you know I’m not some fly-by-night or part-time outfit that may leave you hanging.


I have over 20 years of experience in graphic design, art direction, photography, illustration, copywriting and marketing for regional and national business-to-business and business-to-consumer clients. Some of my higher profile clients include andDeal Dash. My highest profile project would be designing the first Web campaign for then presidential candidate, Barack Obama. When they asked, I told them up front that I probably wouldn’t be voting for him but The seemed to like it so much they reused the design in 2012.

For more, reach me by phone 270-683-4397 or email or request a quote.

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